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Genus UI for Nuxeo

Elevate your Nuxeo user experience with unparalleled flexibility and efficiency.



Experience the Next Generation of Nuxeo with Genus UI

Genus UI for Nuxeo introduces a game-changing interface that transforms user experience. Find content faster, complete tasks effortlessly, and boost user adoption with a modern, intuitive design. Reduce training costs and empower users with a clean interface and customizable dashboards.

Genus UI seamlessly integrates with Nuxeo, leveraging existing configurations for a smooth transition. Experience the difference and unlock the full potential of your Nuxeo investment.

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About Genus Technologies

The strong partnership between Genus Technologies and Hyland Nuxeo, which began in 2018, remains dedicated to consistently providing clients significant value. With a focus on digital transformation, Genus brings over 25 years of expertise, and works directly with Nuxeo customers or collaborates with Hyland’s Professional Services team to deliver transformative Nuxeo solutions.

The Genus Nuxeo Practice consists of exceptional resources, innovative solution accelerators, and a successful engagement track record, aligned with a broader goal of delivering unparalleled value and ROI.

Our team of Nuxeo consultants, technical architects, and implementation specialists have deep knowledge in UX/ UI creation, digital product creation (DPC), digital asset management (DAM), legacy ECM migrations, video solutions, and platform upgrades.

About Genus UI for Nuxeo

The Genus UI for Nuxeo is a game-changer for Nuxeo customers seeking flexibility and control over their user interface (UI). The new UI makes tasks like locating, viewing, and creating content quicker and more intuitive. As a result, training needs go down, and user satisfaction and adoption increase.

The Genus UI utilizes the configurations made in Nuxeo Studio when displaying items such as search and document layouts, tasks, custom action buttons, and collections. This makes the transition from the Nuxeo Web UI to the Genus UI simple. It still allows you to seamlessly take advantage of Nuxeo Web UI upgrades and provides administrators a familiar method for UI updates and changes.


Top 6 Benefits of Implementing Genus UI for Nuxeo

> More Screen Real Estate: The “drawer” is gone! A less intrusive menu has replaced the “drawer” and more intuitive action blocks are displayed on the dashboard to ease navigation. With more real estate to work with, it’s easier to get immersed in what’s important, your content.

> Increased Efficiency and Faster Task Completion: The intuitive and modern interface streamlines navigation and task completion. This leads to increased efficiency, time savings, and a more satisfying user experience.

> Improved User Adoption: The easy-to-use Genus UI requires little to no training, expedites roll-outs, and minimizes the time and expense associated with training leading to increased user adoption and faster ROI.

> UI Extensibility: The Genus UI framework empowers organizations to more easily extend the user interface to create experiences that match the unique needs of your users ensuring a truly user-centric solution across a wide range of use cases.

> Streamlined Content Access and Search: The Genus UI significantly improves the speed at which users can find relevant information with the 3-click approach - 3 clicks to create or 3 clicks to content.

> Customizable User Experience: Easily create dashboards, menus, and actions that perfectly align with the workflows, requirements, and user preferences.

Key Features

> Single View Focused on User Experience

> Content Interaction-Driven Dashboard

> Drop-Down Menu Items and Dashboard Action Blocks:
       • Content Browse
       • Recently Viewed Content
       • My Favorites
       • My Collections
       • Shared Collections
       • Assigned Tasks
       • Nuxeo Studio-Configured Searches
       • Trash Search
       • Download Cart
       • NXQL Search

> Quick View Access to Document Types:
       • Preview Overlays
       • Keyboard Navigation Through Results
       • Maintain Search Context

> Download Cart

> Simplified Content Creation - Single and Bulk:
       • Select Doc Type followed by Location
       • Available Doc Types and Target Locations are
       based on Configuration, not on Browse Context
       • Batch File Upload

> User and Administrator Action Menu:
       • User Actions for Profile Updates and Logout
       • Administrator Actions
          – Analytics
          – Users & Groups
          – Vocabularies
          – Audit
          – Cloud Services
          – Link to Nuxeo JSF Administration

Technical Overview

The Genus UI for Nuxeo is installed as a standard Marketplace Application. The Genus UI runs as a web application in parallel to the Nuxeo Web UI and leverages Nuxeo web components, as well as custom elements contributed in Nuxeo Studio.

The Genus UI can be configured in your Java project or Studio project via HTML bundle files. This allows configuration of the newly contributed Genus UI slots such as action blocks, Genus UI search pages, and grid item quick actions.


For more information or to schedule a demo, reach out to

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